
 Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to you fair reader. I am, simply put, The Author, however some of you may know me by different names. At the end of the day, my name doesn't matter (just my trademarks and copyrights).

If you know me from elsewhere, you can likely guess with ease what this blog is about. I personally however would like to refer to this blog as a declaration of war. 

"Who is my enemy?" you may ask.

I don't know, but in you tend to not even be able to get out of bed without having to fight something, so I'm just being preemptive in acknowledging this quest of mine isn't a peaceful stroll.

Some may note the odd name of this blog. It's not "A Quest for Creativity" but "A Quest of Creativity". I don't need creativity; I've got that in spades. I'm too creative for my own good but have never really embraced that call to action. I've been a hobbyist creative writer for years, but for one reason or another could never full dive into it. I never wanted to be a professional, that always felt like selling my soul. I just want to be able to share whatever crackpot ideas came to my mind and hopefully provide people with something new. If you're here from an outside source, you've likely had a sampling of that. However, that sampling is like the trickling of water through a dam; there's so much more to come. So, making it come (ba dum tish!) is my goal here. This blog is going to serve as exhaust port to blast out all the things building up and halting the flow. I say exhaust port because venting doesn't work well for me, usually feeds the fire instead of relieving pressure. So, taking that into account, I'm going to blast forward off this.

While I do have other accounts, I could've posted stuff like this, I chose to make a blog for a few reasons.

1. Some of those places have stifling character limits. While I do believe working within limits brings out new levels of creativity, it also stifles things from reaching their potential.

2. I never truly feel comfortable in places. Something is always held back because not everything is for everyone. This leads to be places being made for more specific purposes, or even certain aspects being sectioned off. Though no one complains about my rambles, I am quite aware how much I stick out in places. No necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't make me feel like an outcast even if no one intends to make me feel as such.

3. "All I Want" by A Day to Remember and "Kaibutsu" by YOASOBI are songs the resonate with me in odd ways. Particularly in their themes of building and making a change on your own. No man is a kingdom, but all great things (good or bad) start with someone taking a step. I have a great and loving support network of friends, family, and strangers, but I need to step out on my own feet to give them something to support. There are people ready to catch me if I fall, but they can't do that if I never jump.

So my quest starts here. I will touch on things I'm already working on, but I need to open the flood gates and let everything else start to take shape. So, if any of this interest you for any reason, I'll cap this prologue off with this. . .

"Welcome to the journey of a foolish man as he tries to awaken and explore the many worlds created by his heart and mind." 


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